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On behalf of the Cegos Teams, we are happy to greet all our readers and hope that you are doing well.

Lockdown as seen by Cegos Directors worldwide

As we are moving out ofthe lockdown, Cegos’ Directors from all around the world share their insightson these unusual times.

Whether it is perceivedas a challenging, an uncertain or an accelerating period, it led companies toapproach their L&D projects in a different way. Some remarkable trainingprograms have been implemented. In a few days, a German car manufacturertransformed a purely face to face training into a virtual classroomenvironment. A Portuguese international sales convention was adapted in avirtual staged format and live streamed all around the world.  An Italiancompany decided to train their employees on smart working. Within 2 months, 150virtual classrooms were delivered… 

Find out moreoutstanding L&D projects and funny anecdotes regarding remote working inthis video.

If you would like to learn more about how Cegos can help your company transform its learning projects and adapt them to constraints linked to this unusual times, visit our webpage and get in touch.

How did this lockdown affect your learning projects? Did new learning topics arise? Is there any funny online meeting anecdote you’d like to share?

Written by

Vincent Kowalski

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