Our history
For nearly a century, Cegos has been training and supporting individuals and organisations to meet their development challenges.

Cegos acquired Next Group, a leading player in professional reskilling and higher education through work-linked programmes.

The entire Cegos open-courses catalogue is available remotely.

Acquisition of Crescimentum, the leading provider of leadership training in Brazil.

Cegos acquires the Cimes Group, the French leader for outsourced training management.

Cegos opens its regional platform in Chile.

Cegos acquires Integrata, the leader on Germany’s training market.

Cegos Asia-Pacific is created in Singapore.

Cegos creates the Digital Learning Excellence Awards, which recognise the most innovative and impactful digital training programmes within organisations.

Cegos acquired ib, specialized in IT training since its creation in 1985. In 2001, Cegos rolls out its first e-learning modules.

Cegos begins operating out of China.

Cegos creates the first video-based training courses.

1960s > 1990s
The Group expands internationally through additional locations in Germany, the UK and Switzerland.

Cegos set up operations in Portugal.

Cegos starts operating in Italy.

Following a series of training-within-industry programmes carried out at construction workshops in Charleroi and a session organised for Peugeot in Sochaux, eastern France, the first training courses is provided. The topics covered are management-control techniques and sales management.

Émile Rimailho’s paper “A uniform method for calculating cost price” is published with a preface written by Auguste Detœuf (founder of Alstom and a former chairman of Cegos). Overwhelmed by high demand, Cegos develops a consultancy service, becoming an advisor to companies.

The CGOST (General Commission for the Scientific Organisation of Work) is created within the employers’ trade body, founded just the first world war. Its mission is to disseminate the ideas and methods associated with the Scientific Organisation of Work. It is headed by Jean Milhaud, a former student at the prestigious École Polytechnique engineering school. He is keen to bring this pioneering, new research laboratory to life, at the crossroads of politics, employer bodies, industry and international causes.