The Cegos Group
As the European and an international leader in Learning and Development, the Cegos Group is both a keen observer and a dedicated player in the world of work and business.
Our mission goes beyond the simple economic framework.
We train individuals and support organisations to meet their development challenges.
By helping our customers to bring out the best in themselves, we help to improve the workplace.
Faced with the far-reaching changes that are shaking up our societies, the promise we make to our customers (contractors or learners) is more relevant than ever. We are committed to turning skills into performance.

Cegos has innovated for nearly a century.

Cegos advises and supports companies in their plans to transform and grow, stimulating the personal and professional development of individuals worldwide.
Learning & Development is a key driver of employability and collective performance. Training is a major lever for meeting the challenges of professional, technological, and societal change. Alongside its teams, customers and partners, Cegos meets these challenges by going “Beyond Knowledge”.
Accordingly, all the solutions we offer (turnkey training, tailor-made solutions, blended and digital learning, outsourcing and much more) are designed to deliver a unique learning experience and to turn skills into performance.
What makes us stand out

State-of-the-art training
in the most demanding areas of expertise.

- Management and Leadership
- Sales and Customer Relationship
- Professional Efficiency
- Project Management
- Information Systems
- Marketing and Communication
- Finance
- Purchasing
- Human Resources
- Formation
- Sustainable Development and CSR
- Soft Skills…
Key figures
million in turnover+250,000
people trained each year+50
countries covered worldwide+500,000
learners on the LearningHub@CegosThree values at the heart of our business culture

