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8 valuable learnings on the future of work, leadership and transformation

Cegos Team

Our colleagues from Crescimentum, a company of the Cegos Group, participated in the CONARH congress. On their website, the organisers describe CONARH as "a unique congress that brings together the most current topics that permeate major organizational transformations, careers, performance management, new digital tools and everything that impacts organizations and people." Just the place to find out what is going on on these subjects.

Bruna Pratali, Content Coordinator at Crescimentum is haring here the 8 main insights that are to be retained from the 3 days congress.

1- The future of work is more about people than technologies

"In the past, jobs depended on muscles. Now they depend on brains, but in the future, they will depend on the heart."
- Minouche Shafik.

Yes, technology is part of our lives today, but more than ever, the future of work is about BEING human!

Before we even ask ourselves about skills of the future, metaverse and so many other topics coming up right now, we need to look at people! With their lives, experiences, expectations and dreams.

In CONARH as a whole, we heard a lot about connection, empathy, meditation, creativity, listening, embracing, welcoming, and other essentially human competences that will make the difference from now on.

2- Evolving is not a decision

Either you evolve or life makes you evolve.

The world is changing at such a fast speed that there is no longer only the local and global, now there is also the virtual: the metaverse is already a reality and moves billions of dollars.

We have passed the phase of remote or hybrid, of this or that. We live in an age of convergence, in the age of "and", in which we need to unite different formats to be able to respond to the challenges of change in an antifragile way!

The great thing here is to let go of old processes and policies, because this will only make it more difficult to embrace the new.

3- Humanized leadership is the minimum

That leadership is one of the main contributors to a safe working environment for people, you already know! But Harvard Business Review data shows a slightly different picture:

75% of people say their direct superior is the worst part of their job and 65% would accept a lower salary if their boss was replaced by a better one.

Of course, leadership is not solely to blame, but are we or aren't we talking about a huge gap?

After all, leaders who keep their focus on people have the most engaged, innovative and healthy teams.

But let's agree on something: humanized leadership is not being nice, saying "amen" to everything, not having goals and ignoring the lack of focus.

Quite the opposite! We are talking about leaders who build relationships of trust with the team, who have an empathic look and who, even in the face of daily pressure, value and recognize people.

4- People got tired of toxic organisations

Two facts: people are tired of toxic organisations and people telling them how they should work.

This is no surprise when you consider survey data showing that leaders would rather tell their teams to do useless things than stand still.

This agony of "we need to do something now" without stopping to think about "why do it" no longer fits inside companies today.

To engage people it is necessary to invest in the formation of inspiring leaders, capable of mentoring and engaging their teams.

5- We need to look at people

Today, people are less tolerant of companies that do not do what they say. And companies are finally understanding that humanising, connecting, transforming and impacting counts for a lot.

Want to see? A global survey by Deloitte points out that 85% of professionals worldwide are not engaged and, worse, feel disconnected from their jobs today.

Pandemic has made it even clearer: a company that exists just to make money is having its days counted. It's no wonder that the Great Resignation has been keeping professionals around the world awake at night, isn't it?

6- Collaboration is essential in the face of uncertainty

Unquestionable fact: everything has changed and will continue to change. And that includes career plans.

But when we think of talents today, what is most valuable on the CV? Skills? Education? Performance?

Nice insight, isn't it? Because what we saw at CONARH was that collaboration and interpersonal relationships transform qualified professionals into value-adding professionals for the business!

Essential competences today can - and probably will - become obsolete in the future. But teams with partnership, synergy and cooperation leverage creativity and are experts in coming up with new solutions.

7- In the era of connection, we are disconnected

Have you ever stopped to think how connected we are all the time? It is the mobile phone that does not leave our hands, meetings that spring up in the agenda, WhatsApp that does not stop. And that's when self-care takes a back seat.

But here is a detail that many people forget: looking inside and taking care of your own health, mental and physical, is also important for performance and delivery at work.

The macro change we are looking for in our organizations, most of the time, starts from there. We talk so much about empathy, but think with me: how can we be empathetic with others if we can't even look at ourselves?

8- "The great resignation" is about leadership and culture

The Great Resignation is not going out of the spotlight! After all, why are so many people quitting their job?

After months of dreading being fired during the pandemic, now the game has turned: it is employees who are leaving companies of their own free will.

The main reasons for this? Toxic cultures, lack of recognition and what Forbes called disappointing leadership. Shocking, isn't it?

So, what did you think of these learnings?

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About Crescimentum

Crescimuntum is part of the Gegos Group. It focuses on leadership evolution and has developed the Leader of the Future offer. It has already trained more than 160.000 leaders and its mission is to make a better world transforming people into extraordinary leaders and companies into more sustainable and humane organisations.

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Cegos Team

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