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The evidence we are living in a VUCA world increases day by day. Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous – the acronym perfectly describes the times we are living through, and are likely to do so for the foreseeable future.

This scenario certainly increases the challenge for Learning and Development teams, but it also increases the demand. After all, people need the skills to tackle the immense challenges facing businesses as they navigate issues like rising inflation, the cost-of-living crisis and others.

In his latest article for Training Industry, Gregory Gallic, Offer and Expertise Manager at Cegos Group, argues that L&D needs to step up and play an integral role in the strategic planning of organisations.

“L&D can no longer be seen as an administrative function of training management at the end of the value chain”, he says. “It should be part of the whole HR development chain: workforce planning, talent management and mobility.”

Key to this new paradigm is what Gregory calls the concept of Performance Learning, whereby the focus on training is what happens in the workplace rather than in the classroom. The classroom – be it virtual or real – still plays an important role. But it is the practicality of training, how far it is ‘grounded in reality’, that creates real value. This is exactly what cash-conscious organisations are looking for in the VUCA environment.

In his article, Gregory explores the five ingredients for success, especially when it comes to implementing the Performance Learning concept.

1- Consider L&D as a strategic business partner

L&D need to work closely with company leaders to ensure the organisation has access to the skills needed to operate effectively. In turn, leaders should liaise with L&D to promote upskilling and make it an integral part of the strategic plan.

2- Enhance the learner experience

Learner engagement is critical to success. A positive and dynamic learning experience is crucial to engaging learners, keeping them motivated and open to change. Experiential learning is a key component of this experience, where learners should be free to experiment and develop skills on the job.

3- Bring training closer to work

Workers are under pressure to perform and value the opportunity to upskill. However, training must always be relevant and have a tangible impact on their work. The tick box approach to training is the wrong approach. Instead, training should be focused on needs.

4- Measure L&D performance

Thanks to data analytics, we can measure the impact of training on the workforce, from learner engagement to sales growth. This data helps trainers improve their programs and provides L&D mangers with valuable evidence of ROI.

5- Commit people to continuous learning

Organisations need to establish a positive learning culture to drive upskilling. There must be long-term as well as short-term goals for this to be successful.

The basis of Gregory’s argument is that L&D should be elevated to a more pivotal role within organisations. There are more opportunities available today to help us personalise an individual’s learning path and create a real impact on business performance. The challenge is to ‘sell’ that value to management, so that L&D becomes central to strategic planning.

You can find out more in Gregory’s article – 5 Factors that Boost Performance Learning.

If you would like to discuss how to implement Performance Learning into your L&D programs, contact us today.

Written by

Cegos Team

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