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Agile Leadership

Cegos Team

The leading role of leadership and the agile way in which it perceives and takes advantage of the ongoing technological revolution helps guide organizations towards a new and challenging context. It is a critical factor to navigate the transformations that are occurring and the pace of constant disruption we are witnessing in the labor market.

However, there are still many leaders who face the challenge of changing mindsets and old management/leadership practices in their teams.

A study by Columbia Business School reveals that to lead in an agile world and achieve higher levels of innovation, it is necessary to:

  • Give up power and control in favor of collaboration;
  • Put the customer at the center of decision making;
  • Learn through experimentation;
  • Encourage and experience collaboration.

However, we often see leadership behaviors in day-to-day organizations that hinder the agility of their teams and, in this way, block their growth.

So, how can you break the barriers that challenge the construction of a truly agile culture in your organization. How do we ensure greater innovation, collaboration and value creation for customers? How to effectively contribute so that your organization responds to market volatility, with the necessary speed and without losing quality in deliveries?

A webinar dedicated to agile leadership

Find out more about implementing an Agile leadership model in an organization. How can it be done based on the practices, values and principles essential to the day-to-day life of an Agile leader. To do this, use some principles of neuroscience, whose recent discoveries help us deepen our knowledge of human behavior.

Who held the webinar ?

During this one hour webinar, Arthur Diniz told us more about it. He is the co-founder and CEO at Crescimentum. This is a Brazilian company which is part of the CEGOS Group.

How to review it?

This online event took place on 22nd June 2021. We are happy to share here the replay.

Should you wish to find out more about implementing an agile leadership model in your company, contact us

Written by

Cegos Team

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