The 5 Personal Development Tools to Boost Professional Relationships

  • Available languages   UK>   FR
2 Days


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For whom ?

Who is this pro training aimed at?

  • Managers, executives, project managers, technicians, assistants, or any employee for whom the quality of relationships is a major asset in carrying out their role

The program of training

How can improved self-awareness and understanding of key mechanisms of human relationships enable better interaction with others in the professional environment?

This training provides the acquisition of essential and practical tools that will optimise professional relationships on a daily basis.
Digital learning activities to prepare yourself for the training and its implementation:
  • Defining your training objectives
  • Conducting a self-assessment of your skills
During - Group Session
1 - 'Assertiveness': Handling Difficult Relationships
  • Identify ineffective and effective attitudes
  • Assert yourself and build self-confidence
In practice: Self-assessment

2 - 'Emotional Intelligence': Sharing Your Feelings with Ease
  • Understand how emotions work
  • Express emotions constructively using the DESC method
In practice: Training on the method and role-playing exercises

3 - 'Active Listening': Truly Listening to Others
  • Adjust both verbal and non-verbal behaviour
  • Maintain harmonious and effective communication
In practice: Practice active listening in pairs

4 - 'Objective-setting Strategy'
  • Clarify your objectives
  • Implement winning strategies
In practice: Cross-interview in pairs about an individual objective

5 - 'Stress Management': Relax, Recharge, and Perform Better
  • Practice simple physical and mental relaxation techniques
  • Manage stress and regain energy
In practice: Practice simple techniques for physical and mental relaxation
Digital learning activities to facilitate the implementation of your learning in the workplace:
  • Ready-to-use tools
  • Micro-practicing programme by email
An online questionnaire to assess your acquired skills

The objectives of the training

  • Adapt your behaviours to professional situations
  • Develop harmonious and effective professional relationships
  • Enhance the effectiveness of your interpersonal skills
Strong points

The strengths of the training

  • This training focuses on applying skills in workplace situations by combining the benefits of group training with individual digital learning activities for greater effectiveness
  • Three training modules: 'Develop your assertiveness - Level 1', 'Giving positive and constructive feedback' and 'Learn how to practice active listening'
  • A best-seller training praised by thousands of learners
The 5 Personal Development Tools to Boost Professional Relationships