MyStory: Succeeding in Situations of Change

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2 Days


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For whom ?

Who is this pro training aimed at?

Professionals at all levels of the organisation who want to face change and unexpected situations in a more positive and constructive way, viewing them as opportunities for growth.

The program of training

The primary goal of this training is to help professionals gain serenity and shift their perspective on change, turning it into a growth opportunity.

It focuses on natural reactions to change, leveraging internal and external resources to navigate it, and the levers that transform change into a development opportunity.

This training is structured around the 10 episodes of the MyStory series, which allows participants to observe a professional facing change and how she navigates it positively.

Emphasis is placed on interactivity and practice for immediate application in the field.
Online activities to prepare and project implementation of your training: 

  • Self-assessment
  • First episode of MyStory Embracing Change : I Face a New Challenge
  • Workbook: Identify a current or future change/situation in your professional environment to work on.
During - Group Session

Axis 1: Preparing Myself for Change

  • Take the time to welcome change
  • Identify your comfort zone and your strengths/resources
  • Surround yourself with people who can help you move forward
  • Set up rituals to maintain your energy
In practice: Watch 3 episodes of the MyStoryEembracing Change series. Conduct a self-assessment of strengths. Prepare an action plan focusing on new energy management rituals.

Axis 2: Being an Agent of Change in and With Your Environment

  • Nurture a sense of well-being with flow
  • Resolve conflicts using emotional intelligence and non violent communication
  • Change your perspective on the unexpected and embrace it
  • Use collective intelligence to solve complex problems
In practice: Identify activities and conditions that lead to experiencing flow. Practice using a nonviolent communication tool.

Axis 3: Turning Change into a Development Opportunity 

  • Cultivate openness and flexibility for growth
  • Use the OPEN method to prepare for change and gather feedback
  • Take action to develop your skills over the long term with a Growth Mindset

In practice: setting the next development objectives

Online activities to facilitate applying your learning in the workplace:

  • Post-training self-assessment
  • MyStory episodes
  • Bonus content
  • Assessment of acquired skills through an online questionnaire integrating practical scenarios

The objectives of the training

  • Take a step back from change, identify personal resources, and mobilise to step out of comfort zone
  • Find balance across the four dimensions of energy
  • Experience flow to enhance well-being
  • Use emotional intelligence and collective intelligence methods to resolve conflicts or complex problems
  • Use change as an opportunity for long-term development
Strong points

The strengths of the training

  • Pre-training and post-training self-assessment to measure progress made.
  • Training focused on application in real work situations, combining the strengths of group training with customisable individual remote activities for enhanced effectiveness.
  • Activity support and downloadable resources, including a post-training implementation guide.
MyStory: Succeeding in Situations of Change