MyStory: How to succeed as a new manager

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2 Days


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For whom ?

Who is this pro training aimed at?

  • Any manager taking on a new role or who has been in a role for less than a year
  • Professionals who have recently taken on a manager or leadership role in a new team or who, although experienced, want to refresh their skills
Access to a computer with a camera and internet connection, allowing participation in virtual classes

The program of training

Taking on team leadership is a challenge that brings together various concerns or fears, but above all, various knowledge and skills that are needed at different times. In this journey, you will follow a manager as she integrates and adapts into a new team, managing the various problems she faces to achieve results and keep the team motivated. Key moments and fears are recounted in 13 short episodes that you can watch and give your opinion on. The course emphasises and values reflection and coaching with immediate feedback, both in self-directed activities and in virtual or face-to-face classes.
Digital learning activities to prepare yourself for the training and its implementation:
  • Trigger Video: Watch John succeeding as a first time manager
Conducting a self-assessment of your skills.
  • Profiler: My management pratices
During - Group Session
1 - The challenges of leading a new team
  • What to do first?​
  • Setting objectives and clarifying expectations
  • Defining the rules of the game
  • Clarifying your manager's priorities and expectations

2 - Conducting meaningful conversations​​
  • Clarify the purpose (in case of change)​
  • Knowing the different motivations and signs of demotivation
  • Dealing with different employee profiles
  • Giving feedback​
  • Dealing with error
  • Delegation meetings

3 - Managing Performance and Achieving Results​
  • Performance indicators​
  • Promote team autonomy
  • Performance review and results evaluation meeting
  • ID Card results​
  • Action Plan

Digital learning activities to facilitate the implementation of your learning in the workplace:
  • Ready-to-use tools
  • Micro-practicing programme by email
An online questionnaire to assess your acquired skills.

Conducting a self-assessment of your skills.

The objectives of the training

  • Understanding the key challenges a new manager needs to tackle
  • Succeeding in the first steps of the role, with every employee, the team and managers
  • Master meaningful conversations, in order to engage for results, provide feedback or refocus
  • Adapt to different employee profiles: experts, novices etc.
  • Manage performance, setting objectives and make sure they are met
Strong points

The strengths of the training

  • This training focuses on applying skills in workplace situations by combining the benefits of group training with individual digital learning activities for greater effectiveness.
  • Pre and Post Self-assessment to personalise the program and measure progress.
  • A best-seller training praised by thousands of learners.
MyStory: How to succeed as a new manager