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1 Day


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For whom ?

Who is this pro training aimed at?

Professionals who are responsible for managing collaboration across their organisation.

The program of training

In this session, you will learn how to encourage collaboration both inside and outside your organisation by creating a co-operative culture of mutual benefit. You will explore Eric Berne’s ‘Parent-Child’ and ‘Life Positions’ models to understand how you can influence motivation, and discuss approaches to dealing with conflict and opposition.

1 - Introduction

2 - Challenges and Benefits
  • Identify the challenges and benefits of collaboration
3 - Principles and Practices
  • The three principles of collaboration
  • Build working relationships
  • Explore Transactional Analysis (TA)
4 - Dealing With Conflict
  • Identify conflict root causes
  • Recognise the various conflict styles
5 - Virtual Collaboration
  • Explore tips for virtual collaboration
6 - Hands-on
  • Role Play: Collaborative Project Kickoff Meeting
  • Exercise: What Could I Have Done Differently
  • Role Play: Sustainability Project Team Conflict
  • Action Plan

The objectives of the training

  • Understand your approach to collaboration.
  • Build a culture of effective collaboration in your teams.
  • Recognise the most common causes of conflict in teams and take steps to manage it.
  • Apply the principles of physical collaboration to other forms of ‘virtual’ collaboration.
Strong points

The strengths of the training

  • This training focuses on applying skills in workplace situations by combining the benefits of group training with individual activities for greater effectiveness.
  • It has a strong practical approach, with hands-on exercises to help participants apply the concepts learned.
  • By the end of the session, participants will design an action plan to implement strategies for strengthening their areas of growth and developing key skills.
  • This live class is eligible for 7 PDUs in the Power Skills area, to maintain PMP® or PgMP® certification.