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1 Day
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For whom ?
Who is this pro training aimed at?
Professionals who are responsible for managing collaboration across their organisation.
The program of training
The objectives of the training
- Understand your approach to collaboration.
- Build a culture of effective collaboration in your teams.
- Recognise the most common causes of conflict in teams and take steps to manage it.
- Apply the principles of physical collaboration to other forms of ‘virtual’ collaboration.
Strong points
The strengths of the training
- This training focuses on applying skills in workplace situations by combining the benefits of group training with individual activities for greater effectiveness.
- It has a strong practical approach, with hands-on exercises to help participants apply the concepts learned.
- By the end of the session, participants will design an action plan to implement strategies for strengthening their areas of growth and developing key skills.
- This live class is eligible for 7 PDUs in the Power Skills area, to maintain PMP® or PgMP® certification.