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Rahaf Harfoush is a digital anthropologist and the founder of the "Red Thread Inc.", a consulting firm. Through the years, she supported companies by helping them transform digital trends into strategic opportunities. As a leading thinker in the digital space, Rahaf shared some insights about "our digital behavior" at our recent Business Transformation Summit.

Technology is moving so fast these days that leaders often struggle to keep up with the pace of change. So how do you empower people to use new technology in a way that benefits everybody?

Rahaf encourage delegates to change their mindset to stay competitive.

Leaders traditionally introduce new technology with a top-down approach. They tell their team to adopt a new digital tool, train them how to use it and expect them to get on with it. However, this is not always successful. Rahaf says leadership should promote positive ‘digital body language’. They should introduce new digital tools by showing how they have adopted the technology themselves and share the benefits.

It’s time for leadership roles to change along with the technology. Rather than use the top-down approach, leaders should lead by example. They should acknowledge they don’t have all the answers. Instead, they should act as facilitators of knowledge – empowering their teams to explore and use the technology is a way that suits them.

Watch this short video to hear more insights from Rahaf Harfoush on digital adoption.

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Written by

Christophe Perilhou

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